Friday, 23 January 2015

Everyday's A School Day

A new weekly feature on the blog (which I'm pretty darn excited about) will be the random (and they will be that!) facts & trivia I've learned over the course of the last 7 days. Mimi may also contribute to this post, although seeing as she'll probably be the one telling me a lot of these facts I'm doubtful she'll have time to learn anything new herself!

 My sources will be varied of course but I intend to avoid good old Google (as fabulous as it is) and just let the universe teach me what it will, which in turn I'll write down in my notebook (so as to ensure I have a chance at remembering them in full. Sieve-like brain!) & then relay these pearls of wisdom to your fabulous selves. It's a kinda Pay It Forward initiative, whereas instead of gifting you a nice card or a mix tape of your favourite songs, I'm giving you actual information & trivia that could be incredibly useful to you throughout your life! Thank me later my friend when you are one day able to hold a conversation on the pros and cons of deforestation in the Amazon or inform a friend that before becoming successful Walt Disney was so poor he had to eat dog food. I'm thrilled that I'll potentially be helping to win pub quizzes all over Scotland. 

Being taught & then learning & remembering facts are two different things. I often find myself privy to factoids where at the time I think , 'I must remember that!' but later, either only have a vague recollection of the facts told or just recall being taught something really interesting & worth noting but have no clue what it was. This has to general knowledge sucks at the best of times, although my trivia is a tad better. I do actually really enjoy learning new's just making that info stay in my brain a bit longer that is the task in hand.  

I'll be posting everything I've learned from each week & will list my sources too. Will be interesting after a while to note who my biggest know-it-alls are and I'll also aim to post when they told me & in what context....will make for an interesting read  later down the line. Memories & all that jazz. 

So here goes with week one.....

1. In 1966 George Harrison co-wrote & recorded with The Beatles, 'Taxman'-a track written as a reaction to heavy taxation that the band members were falling victim to. For every pound earned, they were paying a whopping 19 shillings & sixpence in tax which was the equivalent of 97p!!! 

17th January- Dad told me this just as mum & I were about to go do my tax return online. Think he was trying to make me feel better about the whole situation. 

2. When ordering your favourite coffee from your local friendly barista, if you're perturbed (as I often am) by the notable lack of coffee in a cappuccino as opposed to the gallons of foam on top, ensure you ask them for a WET cappuccino!  Wet caps are about 1 part espresso, 1 part steamed milk, 1 part foam. A dry is 1 part espresso, 2 parts foam. The latter is what you'll be served if you don't specify I guess. 

21st January- In town having a coffee catchup with my lovely fellow freelancer friend Shelley,  who was made aware of this distinction between 'wet & dry caps'  by the barista at Starbucks on Buchanan St when she asked how she could go about having less foam. She then came back to the table & kindly relayed the info to me! I think I'll be asking for a wet cappuccino from now on. 

3. In 2009 fashion designer Raquel Guimaraes approached Brazilian maximum security prison, Arisvaldo de Campos Pires when she struggled to find knitters locally to help with her latest collection. Although originally extremely reluctant, the authorities finally allowed her to train up 18 prisoners, including bank robbers & murderers. An incentive for the inmates, aside from learning a skill & being proactive during their incarceration, was having one day taken off their sentence for every three days of knitting performed & accumulating a wage which was set aside for them to collect on their release. 

21st January-On the way in to Glasgow I stumbled across BBC Radio 4's item on the ever-increasing popularity if knitting & the history of the art. Very interesting indeed! Who knew knitting was so fetch

4. In the Victorian era, the word 'leg' was considered a swear word! Even table & chair legs were covered with skirts to protect their modesty. 

22nd January- a p7 class I was working with kindly informed my colleague Eilidh and I of this fun fact that they'd learned from their current topic. We guessed correctly that they would have probably have used the word 'limb' as a substitute! Got us to thinking & having one of our many random car-chats about words that have changed or have several meanings.

5. Penguins have knees!

22nd January- My 3rd year Jazz and Contemporary students are a fun bunch to be around and each week they come bounding into class excitedly nattering and eager to tell me a story or ten! One of the students shared this fact with me as we finished off our stretch at the end of a great session. Random but still, it's a goody and one I did not know! 

I wonder what pearls of wisdom next week will bring.....

Over and out,

Weesse x

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Review: Jillian Michaels' "Maximise Your Life" Event

Mimi here!

Been a bit absent of apologies! Work and general life has been very hectic, but oor Weesse has been keeping you all entertained with some FABBY blog posts #siblinglove. 

So, it's true...I am a gym nut. I love me some exercise. I also love ANYTHING to do with health and nutrition. I am *that* person you see in the supermarket reading the back of the box/packet/tin of everything I pick up. I am *that* person who checks MyFitnessPal before lunch to see what of my options are the most nutritious. and yes, I am *that* person who knows the calorie and nutritional content of many a food off the top of her head! 

*Not me, but it could be. Image from

So, if there is ever a weight loss/exercise/transformative programme on TV, you can bet I'll be watching it. I am a huge fan of the USA version of The Biggest Loser, and any other fan will tell you that the most exciting part of that show is ANYTHING involving either of the main trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. Which leads me nicely onto an event I attended with fellow Kennedy Cupcake Carol on Sunday night!

Jillian Michaels, is one of the world's leading health and wellness experts. Her "Maximimise Your Life" tour has come to the UK for the first time ever...and I was at the first show in Glasgow! Her website states that "In this intimate and uniquely personal experience, Jillian shows you how to harness your potential, kick-start your goals and live an exceptional life, sharing her keys to health, success and happiness. No hype, no false promises: just results". 

Carol and I were both really looking forward to this event. I knew JM mainly from The Biggest Loser (but also from her really quite brilliant workout video 30 Day Shred) whereas Carol knew her mainly from her videos. for anyone that doesn't know much about JM, she has an infamous no nonsense approach to health and fitness. Don't expect any (no pun intended) sugar-coated advice. This is real. Hard. Stuff. works. 

Carol and I went for a GORGEOUS yet quick dinner at La Rotunda, just next to the "Armadillo" venue in Glasgow. Carol opted for a salad with red onion relish and baked goat's cheese, while I chose pan fried fillet of salmon, Mediterranean veg and baby potatoes. I did take pictures but I think we all know what a salad and some salmon looks like. If not you've clearly not been for dinner at my house #staplediet. 

The event doors were opening at 6:30pm, so Carol and I scoffed our 1 course and made may to the venue.


HOWEVER for whatever reason the doors didn't technically open at 6:30pm. Or 7pm. Or 7:30pm. No joke. Unfortunately we were waiting in the foyer for quite some time, lamenting our starters we could have had but didn't. When it comes to food, I MOURN for the meals I have missed out on!

ANYWAYS, after being seating in our original seats, we were kindly offered seats closer to the front due to the event not being sold out. RESULT. The talk eventually started at 8:10pm (which, to be honest was a bit late) but we were seated and we were excited about what the event would hold.

What followed was a 2 hour long talk split into 3 main sections:

  • Food
  • Exercise
  • The Self

Being interested in health and being a fitness instructor, and Carol being a Personal Trainer, there was a lot of the first 2 sections that was already known to use. HOWEVER there were a few tit-bits that were actually extremely useful to us. The final section of the talk was extremely insightful in how to motivate, visualise goals and make them a reality. What follows below is a sort of whistle-stop tour of the main details I took from it, and what I think we could all use in our daily lives. I have applied everything I have written to weight loss and health, but the tips in the third section can be applied to ANY goal you might have in life. 

1. Fuel your body and mind. Eat real food...and if you want a treat? Make sure it's only 20% of the time. Know what to AVOID. Jillian also gave us a list of 10 Additives to AVOID. You can find them, and other tools, at (There are obviously more detailed nutritional approaches to take if you need to but I'm not a nutritionist so will not be giving out that advice). 

Jillian highlighted that those interested in losing fat would benefit from knowing a few key figures (you can get calculators for the first 2 by Googling them):
  • What is your BMR (the calories your body burns just LIVING)
  • What is your AMR (the calories your body burns LIVING and WORKING)
  • Know what calorie level you SHOULDN'T go under (men = 1600, women 1200) 
Provided you don't go below your lower calorie limit, if you ensure you have a 500 calorie per day deficit (through reducing food and through exercise), this should lead to a 1lb weight loss per week. If you don't wanna lose weight, don't go above your AMR. It's all in the math (which for me is a bummer because I still use my fingers to count). 

Got that? GOOD

2. Next on the list is to move. Doesn't have to be much. Just get your heart rate up. Get a sweat on. Go for a brisk walk. Run up and down your stairs. Do star jumps. Walk your dog. Dance in your pants in the house. COME TO A ZUMBA FITNESS CLASS (totes not biased). She gave us some other sums about calculating your the beats per minute your heart should reach for fat burn. These can be found quite easily by Googling something like "target heart rate for exercise". 

Got that? GREAT.

3. Lastly, we discussed goals and self improvement. Jillian proposed that if getting "healthy" is so easy...then why is it so HARD?! If losing weight is just 500 calorie deficit per day for 1lb weight loss per week while avoiding 10 main additives  then WHY do 95% of those who lose weight gain it back? It's not like people don't want to lose weight. Have you ever said or felt any of these things?:

"I'll start exercising once I'm fitter." 
"I'll go to the gym / a class once I'm smaller." 
"I'll feel better about myself once I've got healthier".

Fitter. Healthier. Smaller.

****What does that even MEAN?***** What does health, fitness or size even look like? 

Jillian encouraged us to be specific about our goals and to manage them in chunks. It was more productive to have a larger goal with smaller milestones, than 1 single massive overarching goal upon which you rested on all your hopes and dreams. Day by day, minute by minute results that you can congratulate yourself on when you reach them. Give your intentions some PERSPECTIVE and some ACTION. Ensure that every choice you make every day is CONTRIBUTING towards those goals.

So if we have all these small and large goals, why is it so hard to us to attain any goal and maintain that success? 

The answer? FEAR. "What if I fail? What if it doesn't work? What if I feel worse? What if it's too hard?" Or, sometimes, more scarily...WHAT IF I SUCCEED?

It is never a question of CAN you do it, it was a question of WILL you. 

If you need motivation-Look inside of yourself. Look at your specific goals. LIVE THEM in your head. Same with your moments of hesitation. About to make a decision that isn't going to get you to your goal? LIVE IT. Stop and THINK about it. LIVE IT in that moment before you live it for real. Breathe. Make a different decision. Then do a happy dance cause you rock.

And if you do something you regret? If you fail? If it doesn't work? Learn from it. Get back up. Do it again, but differently. You did something, you learned from it, you moved on. HOW GOOD ARE YOU?

NONE OF THIS will do you any good unless you truly believe you deserve to reach your goals. Don't go on a mission to get healthy because you're "not good enough" as you are. Because you "need to be better". Do it BECAUSE you ARE good enough and you deserve to live a better life than one filled with discontent, illness, aches, pains, money worries, anxiety, feelings of guilt, inadequacy, WHATEVER. Enlist the help of a friend, someone you trust, or someone else with similar goals. Congratulate each other. Encourage each other. LIFT each other. And importantly, lift yourselves.But no one can believe in you if you don't believe in yourself. 

Got that? FABULOUS.

Ooft. Anybody else squished under the sheer WEIGHT or the awesomeness in that advice?

Anyways, Carol and I left the event feeling positively motivated. So much so that I have been following Jillian's nutritional advice and it's working for me. We got the (later than expected due to the later than expected start time) train home with scores of Slipknot fans (nope, Slipknot fans are not generally really into their kale, Pilates and motivational speaking...the band were playing next door in the Hydro). 

I suppose the only potential challenge particularly to the advice contained within the third section of the talk is, well, how REALISTIC is all this? We can't ALL be skinny billionnaires. We can't all give up our "mundane" jobs (speak for yourself, I like mine!) and become Martha Stewart-esque characters who go about driving top of the range cars bought  via our successful business selling books on knitting, working from home (part-time) in our 5 bedroom detatched beach house with our 3 perfect kids, our significant other and a labrador, taking long weekends doing downward dogs at sunrise. We have bills to pay. Doctors appointments to make. Tax returns to fill. Meals to cook. Sinks to unblock. Traffic to sit in. Arguments to have. Tears to cry. Necessary evils of life. 

I don't really think that's what it's about though. You can still hate your job and be earning shed loads of cash. You can LOVE your job and be earning buttons. I think the main message was that success looks very different for everyone, and whatever your "success" looks like, whatever that photo finish is, you have to run with it and make the choices to get there. Nothing happens by accident, and we are just about exactly where we have chosen to be in life, with the exception of those unfortunate tragedies that occur in our family and personal lives and are genuinely out with our control.

Now, what choice will you make next? 

Friday, 16 January 2015

What A Weesse Wants. What A Weesse Needs.

 A new year encourages you to think of your hopes, dreams and aspirations for the next 12 months and possibly further. In early January, the year ahead to me feels like this long and winding road where life potentially could change entirely from beginning to end....and I guess in reality it could and often does and you make big plans to ensure that road is as exciting and interesting as it can possibly be. But in contrast,  I often feel in December that the year has passed me by. Sounds a bit negative and I don't mean it to. I'm a super busy person who I'm sure friends and family wouldn't label remotely lazy or unambitious....I do like to cram a fair amount in to a year it has to be said. But I always feel I've let myself down a bit at the end of the year, like I could've tried harder at life or let myself go a bit. There's some deep-down psychological shenanigans going on there for sure, eh?! My report cards at school would have NEVER read, "Lisa must try harder" and I guess once a swat, always a goody-two-shoes and so it may be that's why it's always 
'I could've done more or that I WILL do this year'...

 And something's gotta be done about making that so......

 In turn, I aim to list (as they come to mind and not in one fell swoop) and go about achieving any goals I set for myself this year, however small or large, monumental or seemingly insignificant. The phrase 'Life's too short. Buy the Shoes' springs to mind. I'm a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to treating myself. I see things I like and instantly begin to mull over the pros and cons of committing to a purchase, before making the final decision which I then in turn furthermore agonise over, regardless of whether it was a YAY or NAY. I think it stems from being self-employed and the uncertainty of the next pay cheque. I'm pretty sure I used to buy way more stuff for myself when I wasn't one's own boss....although I still agonised over the purchase just as much!!  Anywho, that aside, don't know about you but I continually see beauty products, fashiony bits and just random nice stuff that I rrrrreeeeally wanna try/buy but for some reason or other I just don't get round to. It would seem that in 2015 Weesse is gonna be that girl buying those shoes.....trying not stress about it afterwards!!

 I've made myself a lil' wish list of 'must have/try' bits 'n' bobs that, over the course of the year, I'll aim to road test or make a long-term investment in. Of course, I'll be adding & scoring off items as the year goes on but along the way I'll be sure to review & feature many items on here for your perusal. 

 I really want to invest in a decent pair of black heels/stilettos. There's those shoes we were just talking about! I feel that years of continually opting for cheaper weekend/going-out footwear (guilt-free shopping perhaps??) may becoming a thing of the past pour moi. I just don't get the longevity in terms of the quality and durability that I want and it's often false economy, as you end up having to repurchase more regularly, hence spending what you would have on one quality pair of shoes. I want a pair of black leather pointed-toe heels with very little detailing that will go with everything! First mission of 2015 I feel! I will chant the mantra that is 'Life's too short. Buy the shoes. Life's too short. Buy the shoes' as I go!!

 I literally boycotted books post-university for several years. I did an English Degree (and Spanish lit for a while too) and with devouring (at lightening-speed!) umpteen books a week for 4 years solid I just found that after graduating I had no real desire to make the time for reading at all. It had become a chore rather than a pleasure (despite enjoying my course and the literature immensely). I was well-read in more ways than one. There's well-read and then over cooked!  My interest was sparked once again a few years down the line but I found that I had no real stamina and never completed any books on a regular basis. 
 More recently though I've gotten back in to it. Nothing heavy. Just some light reads that for various reasons have taken my fancy and so thus far,  the book list for 2015 looks like this....and yes, I'm a little late to the party on these particular selections.... 

'Not That Kind of Girl' by Lena Dunham

  'It' by Alexa Chung

'How To Be Parisian'  by Anne Berest and Audrey Diwan

'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn

This list ain't a 'New Year Resolutions' list but more a 'Let's Get Sh*t Done in 2015' affair. There's already a few things I'm thinking I'd like to try/achieve/keep doing/be better at and I better start now as I'm confident that each month the list will have many additions. 

Sing More

Generally in everyday life but also performing. Singing with others too (again in everyday life would be nice!)

Try New Things

Whether it be food, restaurants, activities, clothing styles, ways of walking downstairs....Anything new I wanna be down on the list for!

Don't Worry. Be Happy.

Emphasis on the 'worry' part and definitely the 'don't' of that. I'm a wee stress-head worry-wart and although I'm chillin'-out a little more in my old age, I think there's still room for improvement in the Worrying vs Not stakes.

 For instance, I no longer worry if the plug is out of the socket.....not now that I just take a photo of it before I leave the house. Winning life right there peeps! 

Become a Successful Blogger

And you my friends hold the key! 

Read, like, share, comment and Tweet! The more the merrier to this one thanks. I'm finding this blogging malarkey  really good fun and actually super relaxing. It's a nice way to take stock and reflect on certain aspects of your life and after also giving up writing (other than appointments in my diary) after uni, it's lovely to be putting pen to paper once again (well finger to keyboard to be exact....but you knew what I meant!). Good for the soul this stuff! 

That'll do for now me thinks. 

Gives you lot the time to go away and make that last one a reality! That way I can tick it off the list, you know?! 

Right off you go.... Share, Tweet, Like away my friends! 

Over and out 

W x


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Pursuit of Happiness...and JLo and Dirty Patios

 I spotted on Facebook that ITV's This Morning are doing a week-long feature on what makes you happy. They're asking folks to Tweet and tag them in Instagram pics and so it naturally got me to thinking about what makes me happy. If I were to send one photo to the show, what would it be of? 

 Encouragingly I'm having a hard time to pin it down to just one! I have so many things and of course, people in my life that bring me so much joy that it would be a near impossible task to select the one thing/person/scenario that beats all others.....without offending folks too I guess. I also get so much pleasure in being kind to others and trying to be the best the person I can be. We could be here all week folks.  However, my nearest and dearest aside and forgetting all the 'being a good person' malarkey, I thought it important/interesting to look outside the box a tad (negating the obvious like, dance, dogs and beautiful sunsets...blah blah blah) and focus in on the simple things in life that make me happy....even if it's only for a moment. Unlike Pharrell, I don't require a room without a roof. I ain't no diva,  my daily rider merely specifies just a few little things that are guaranteed to brighten up my day. Forget the 7 Deadly Sins, I have seven ways to make one Weesse very happy. 

 They're in no particular order....just as they came to mind.

1. Colour schemes

Yup! Love a good colour scheme me! I emphasize the word good as I see many decorating situations on social media daily, where I would say the choice in colour collaborations ain't to my liking sadly. Each to their own and all that. Rob and I were in the 'pound shop' (not sure of it's exact name-there's that bloomin' many of them!) only just the other week, waiting in the queue to be served, when I remarked on the collective colour scheme of their display of 2015 diaries at the tills. On sight, the pistachios, muted corals and dark beiges instantly pleased me to the point of, well....happiness!. I can trawl Pinterest for hours just looking at colour swatches and combinations. Rock and Roll!

2. Coffee

 Adore the stuff. I drink waaaaay too much of it and do not discriminate when it comes to blend, brand or condiments. If you say it's coffee....I'll have it thanks! Of course I do have a few faves but I ain't too fussy and will take whatever's on the go really. Everything about it makes me happy-the smell, the taste, the look, the warm, fuzzy feeling.....this is getting a bit weird, eh?! Anywho, I love it more than tea (sorry tea jennies) and drink it every day in life and I have no intention of giving it up in any way, shape or form. It's my only vice and it makes me reeeeeeeeally happy. Got it??!!!!!!!(Oh, maybe I need a cup right now??!)  

3. An Unread Magazine

 Don't you just love it when you have a brand-new, untouched magazine sitting on the coffee/bedside table awaiting your attention?! The pages are pristine and the spine unbroken.... actual perfection. It's all glossy and smooth and new....and yes, I'm the person who'll take the one at the back of the pile to ensure these requirements are met before purchasing. 
  If we're then moving on to what doesn't make Weessa happy, it's when folks pick up said magazine you've bought and flick through it before you. They don't even commit to reading anything or stop to inspect a particular article or item of clothing, they're merely flick and flippantly return the now partially spoiled magazine to it's resting place, where you then have to look like that situation didn't just boil your blood and make you have a mild inner panic attack! Yup, take note, don't touch my unread magazine. That my friends, would make me happy!
 On the same line, I like new diaries, notebooks etc. They're so pretty and new and lovely! Sadly I don't have particularly neat or nice handwriting, so the minute I have to start inputting info in to a new pad, the happiness rapidly depletes. I instantly (even if I'm trying my damnedest not to) make a mistake and have to score it out or write over the top of it...basically just eradicating the joy in one fell swoop. Real-life problems peeps!  

4.  Photos of JLo

Putting it out there folks. I love me some JLo time. She is my ultimate girl crush and there's nothing I like doing more than Pinteresting pics of the Latino goddess (between colour schemes obvs!) and appreciating her insane good looks and awesome body. There, I said it! It comes from a burning desire to want to be JLo but that ain't happening any day soon, so I take it on the chin and do my weekly research (aka stalking) in the hope that one day (when I'm 45....she is 45! What the actual?!?) when I grow up, I'll look like her. Better make a start on the abs work and facial surgery now, eh?! 
 Don't you be dissing JLo...I love her music, films, book (hubby bought me it for Crimbo) and I don't care what you say, she is  and you'll all eat your words when I'm running around, age 45, looking like all sorts of JLo-ness. Until then, photos of her will continue to make me unapologetically, blissfully happy. 

5. Crumpets.......and Breakfast in general.

As you'll already know from my post 'My Name is Weesse and I'm Addicted to....' ( and if you don't, why haven't you read it?! Call yourself a mate?!!) I have a love affair with crumpets. Can't get enough of them but really, I just love breakfasty things and breakfast time in general. My all-time faves include crumpets with hot, mashed banana and cinnamon; pancakes; Eggs Benedict; smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and croque monsieur. All of course served with cwaaffeee! Whether I'm preparing it or dining out,  I just love so many of the potential dishes open to me (using my basic culinary skill set) and the scope for having, not one, but a selection of different things....fruit, juice, coffee, eggs, toast, yogurt etc. Hotel breakfasts are the shizz! I'm not your fry-up kinda gal but I do like me some mushrooms and scrambled eggs with a slice of wholemeal toast. Yum! The pastries and the continental options float my boat big time and I get a tad excited at the prospect of what a new hotel will have on offer. 
 It's the first thing I think about when I wake up everyday and if I'm not getting my bahookie out of bed and heading straight for the kitchen, then there's something seriously wrong with me. Call the doctor! Breakfast is my favourite meal....there was once a time when I lived on Fruit n Fibre (true story!) and although I'm not currently a big cereal fan, I'll take anything breakfasty really. It is my most important meal of the day and as I write this I'm already excited about tomorrow's. Happy is a plate of toasted, buttered crumpets.

6.  New Pants 

 And bra....matching ones that is. I adore new underwear. I honestly think wearing a matching set (especially if it's brand new) lifts the spirit. I am guilty of not always (and by that I mean, almost never...) wearing matching underwear. Feel like I'm starting to over-share here but I'm hoping many of you gals out there will identify with this and appreciate my honesty. Underwear shopping hasn't always been my favourite of tasks to be fair (it's up there with trying on trousers....avoided at all costs!) but in saying that, when I do find the perfect set there is an excitement and sense of occasion when I wear it for the first time. Maybe I should aim to buy and wear more matching undies in 2015...that way I'll be continually happy. Boom, done! If you meet me in the street though and I seem pretty chirpy, please don't ask if I'm wearing matching underwear as that's just plain awkward. 

7. Seeing the Dirt Come Out of Things

Hubby will chuckle on reading this as he has first-hand knowledge of the sheer joy that is felt when I witness the dirt come out/off of any item. This has in the past included, the patio being jet-washed; the leather couch being steam cleaned; shampooing carpets; using Oven Pride. Sounds like our house is bogging. I assure you it ain't. These were all separate incidences where we decided to give these items a good old clean and the results for me were stupendously satisfying. I mean I'm not a clean/neat freak or anything, going around scrubbing everything in sight but I just love that moment when you've decided to give something a proper deep clean and you can see it working beautifully. Shiny, squeaky cleanness.  
  Hubby has also fallen victim to this on a number of occasions  when I have persuaded him to let me give him a facial after a hard day's graft. If you've got the day's dirt on your skin, I'm more than happy to clean it off for you. Just sayin'. 

 So to summarise, HAPPY for me is....

 Jennifer Lopez bringing me crumpets and mashed banana in my beautifully colour coordinated room, as I admire my untouched copy of Grazia, sipping coffee and wearing my new new undies, as hubby (in sight) jet-washes the patio. 

Note how I said hubby jet-washing the patio! I don't need to actually be the one doing the cleaning per say, just witnessing it is enough.

I'm pretty sure the above scenario (as weird and slightly perverse as it sounds) is relatively achievable.......

Although, Grazia ain't out til next week..... bummer! 

Over and out,
W x

Friday, 9 January 2015

Playing Dress-Up: Does it Get Easier?

Dressing for the weather. Dressing for your shape. Dressing for your age. Dressing for your job. Dressing for your partner. Dressing to conform.

But dressing for you....when does that start? 

We all have a personal style that we endeavour daily to inject in to all of the above scenarios, to in some way, shape or form to express our individuality & personal taste. Even if you're forced to wear some ungodly uniform at work that you positively detest  (I remember my McD's days well. That 'Lobby-jobby' outfit was so fetch!), you find (sometimes unconsciously) a way of making it more you, putting out your message to the world. Roll up the sleeves, tuck in the shirt, wear the trousers low slung, accessorise...if 'the man' makes you where a suit when you ain't a suit kinda dude, you make it work for you. Point is if we were all to put on the exact same outfit, we'd be sure to wear it differently, purposely or without even thinking about it . So when we get to choose what we wear, it gets a whole lot more complicated....well for me anyway! 

Working out what your personal style is (what I'm now discovering) a lifelong quest. My style has evolved so much from the first days of being allowed to dress myself, selecting outfits from my wardrobe & to then later being given the opportunity to shop for clothes by myself. My personal styling has gone through so many transitions. Moments of the good, the bad & the ugly! 

Going back to my opening statements, I think that many of these are really about what we think others expect of us.  I won't wear that dress as it's 'too young for me'. Who says?!?! When we reach around 12 years old clothes no longer are sized in relation to our age but our clothing size, so who then decides what's too young & indeed too old for us to wear?!? Shouldn't it be, if you want to wear the dress just go for it?! 'Yes of course!' I hear you say....but then, do you dress like that? Toss any concerns for what society might think of you & wear exactly what you want to? Hats off to you if you genuinely don't give a monkey's..but I reckon, like myself,  many of us, consciously and even unconsciously, dress with others in mind. 

Miss Monroe famously said 'Give a girl the right shoes & she'll conquer the world'. Which ones though?  Is it the flat, comfy ones we can walk in all day that ain't nowt to shout about  in the style department or is it those 'killer' heels that actually do kill after 20 mins but  knock 'em dead everywhere you go?! Conquering the world may require you to wear both the same time perhaps? One on each foot it is then?!  At the ripe old age of 32, I'm having a bit of a style overhaul that came unexpectedly. My clothing choices have taken a bit of a U-turn recently & I can't quite work out why   frustratingly. I can't figure out if what I'm opting for looks good on me or whether I'm choosing more for comfort & practicality. If both bases are being covered then great! Can I look AND feel good at the same time? I have more staple pieces in my wardrobe now that I rotate & pair up with each other in various random combos. I'm totally over buying 'in trend' and just want to own more of a capsule wardrobe that will see me through the seasons effortlessly. I ADORE fashion but don't particularly enjoy shopping for myself (I'd love to shop for others) so I now realise (after years of buying tonnes of stuff on a whim & then not wearing it) that I need to be super selective with what goes in that on-line shopping basket. I also think it's a sign of the times where a disposable income is a thing of the distant past for many of us and you choose far more carefully about what you're buying as you'd rather it costed a bit more but lasted you way longer than the £10 top that you'll wear once and then see it banished to the back of your wardrobe or the charity shop. I guess if you're looking to conquer the world as Marilyn so eloquently pointed out, whether you opt for the flats or the heels, you'd be best to choose the more classic pair that will last you a long you continue on you path for world domination.

I don't think I've always been one to dress with others in mind, it may just be something that has derived from being in a long-term relationship. As a teenager I didn't rebel or reject the trends of the time more so than I just tended to wear what I liked, despite it being so far removed from what was 'cool'. Long gypsy skirts, Doc Martins and other bohemian attire was my go-to style and then on to my uni days, it was bell bottom jeans, fitted shirts and tees....again it was what I wanted to wear over what I thought I should to fit in.  As I then went out in to the working world as a dance teacher, in my down time I tended to dress up more, as I felt I was spending my life in joggers and baggies. I actually remember hubby (before he was my hubby)saying to me that I didn't need to be so dressy when I came to visit him...but to me making an effort was something I was doing more for myself than him....or at least I think it was. He was happy to see me in what he thought I'd be more comfortable in but really I was looking to enjoy that process of getting dressed-up and feeling girly and sexy. Of course if your partner compliments you in something then you may wear it when you know you'll be spending time together...their opinion matters to you and it's nice when they say they like you in something. I know that nowadays I frequently dress with hubby in mind, hoping he'll like my outfit. Deep down I actually do know that if I'm wearing what I like and what I feel comfortable and confident in then that's what he's going to prefer me in but somehow I often still think of what his opinion will be about my choice. I mean I'd never expect him to wear a 3 piece suit on the weekends to impress me when I know he'd hate every minute of it and I know he's the same with me but it doesn't stop me thinking of what he'll find me attractive in. Funny eh? Our brains are often programmed in this modern-day society to be concerned with others' perception of us over satisfying our own inner desires and comfort zones. I'm just grateful that more often than not I've really only got myself and hubby in mind when I'm dressing .....not society as well! 


So with personal style, although it evolves overtime and you may at points be 'on trend' and other times be totally 'uncool' in your selections, I think what's most important is that you aim to dress happily. Happy dressing should be made compulsory and this idea of wearing 'what's in' or what someone your age should be wearing must be phased out. After all, Oscar de la Renta and Karl Lagerfeld get to design exactly what they like. They don't create dresses that they hate but know are 'cool' for that year. They let their own creative juices flow and have garments made that evoke their personal style and taste. So in turn we as consumers in society should have free reign to wear what we want free from judgement. It's hard enough figuring out what your personal style is never mind then having to worry if other people will like it or think that it's too young, short, frumpy, fancy etc etc for you. Just wear what you want goddamnit!  I wish I could say this to every young girl and boy I come across who is feverishly trying to keep up with the 'in-crowd' and the latest fashion trend. I see a lot of them wearing stuff that I bet they don't even like that much but are buying it (or pleading with mum or dad to buy it!) because they 'have to have it' . I love fashion and religiously buy fashion magazines but I buy them for inspiration, to spark my imagination not to look at the Spring/Summer collections and worry that I'm not wearing anything like it. Yes, I'm still over here scratching my head, figuring out what my personal style actually is but at least I'm not too concerned about whether Joe Bloggs likes it or not!  

Over and out, 

W x

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

My name is Weesse and I'm addicted to..............

Happy 2015 to you all!

 It's a new year & like many, you may be looking to fashion a new you. News flash-you're fabulous the way you are! Be done with that resolution & carry on just being your wonderful self.  Boom done! End of blog. My work here is done. 

 Hold up. If it simply comes down to altering your diet ever-so slightly or overhauling it entirely in a bid to make you feel better on the inside & out, then I'm all for it! Making good food choices to give you more energy, to boost some weight loss (that little bit of fluff you've gained over Crimbo) or to give you a new focus on becoming a happier you can be a daunting task so any hints, tips & suggestions can help us all through those early transition stages. 

 Healthy eating sounds great & yeah it tastes good too but hey, so does chocolate, steak pie, gravy & pouring cream (obviously not all together! That's just weird.)! Can I get an amen?! So I appreciate that the thought of sidestepping the sweetie tin isn't filling you with much joy but remember, we can merely sidestep & then shuffle back on over whenever we feel we need a little pick-me-up. We ain't getting rid of no sweetie tin entirely. Balance is the key peeps. 

 I have to say I personally didn't overindulge too ridiculously over the festive season (boring I know!) apart from Christmas & Boxing Day. I didn't eat normally though.  My body clock's all over the place with late nights & late rises & mixed-up meal times so it's all caught up with me in the shape of 4lbs. I ain't too fussed over it. Pre-Christmas I'd dropped 6lbs with being ill (suffering from sciatica!) & having not much of an appetite so I was at my lowest weight in a long time. This in effect means that my 4lbs gain has brought me back to around where I was prior to falling ill. I now aim to try & shift it nevertheless but I'm not pressurising myself with what's on the scales. I'm more so looking to get my eating back to where it was. Balanced. Healthy. Yummy.

 I posted a while back about my weight loss journey in 2014 as hubby & I became fully paid up members of Weight Watchers, both of us opting for the app over classes.  A 2 stone weight loss for me was unexpected to be honest (was aiming for 1 stone) but I'm currently happy with my shape....couldn't care less what the scales say or what the labels in my clothes read, I'm just happier in my clothes & in my own skin. I've also reached a happy place in my day to day eating where I no longer continually consult the app for ProPoint calculations. I tend to eat the same things week in week out & know the point values of most foods so can eat healthy, balanced meals & snack on fruit & the likes, still reaching for the occasional treat free from any guilt. And really, regardless of which healthy eating programme you decide to follow, I feel that that's the key. Balance, that is. 

Ready Steady Brekkie......

 We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day & I loves me some brekkie. My name is Lisa and I'm addicted to CRUMPETS! Honestly, Mr Warbuton must be sitting at home looking at his profit margins wondering what the hell happened last year. In fact he's sitting at home, staring at his new Ferrari I bought him wondering who bought all his crumpets! I bloomin' love 'em! It's my go-to brekkie now (snack too) & it takes a mean contender to make me me stray. Hubby is convinced I'll wake up one morning to find I've turned in to a fully fledged crumpet. I'd be interested to know how many crumpets I've consumed since June 2014. Many, I feel...possibly hunners! 

 Two lightly toasted crumpets, topped with a mashed-up heated banana (1 min in the microwave) with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon on top. Voila! Actually want to go make one as I type these words to you at 1.14am (Late, I know! Sciatic pain woes!).  Yummy, hot & filling! All you could want from a winter's brekkie. These are only 2 ProPoints each on WW (I get 32 ProPoints per day) so it's a filling option that isn't high in salt, fat or sugars. Add blueberries, strawberries for more sweetness (they're lovely heated also). Guarantee you'll be hooked once you try 'em. Just make sure you leave enough for me in Tesco's.

 Another brekkie option I love is Overnight Oats. Dry porridge oats, fruits of your choice, natural yoghurt (or flavoured low fat yoghurt if you'd prefer) & milk. I recommend you use a clip top jar (see photo & links below) as it makes it way easier than a bowl to assemble & store.

Photo courtesy of

 All you need to do is layer up your ingredients in a repetitive manner-
a sprinkle of oats
a topping of yogurt 
some fruit   
Repeat the above 

 When the jar is nearly full pour in your milk to soften through the several layers, pop the jar in the fridge overnight & by morning you'll have a scrumptious, filling breakfast which you can even take with you on the go. Result! And no cooking involved! Double result! 

 Mimi is all about preparing in advance so she'll boil an egg the night before & have it with some gluten-free toast in the morning. Eggs are a great source of protein & I always find a boiled egg more filling than I expect it to be. We both love scrambled eggs & smoked salmon too which makes for a quick but more civilised of breakfasts on the weekend. Eggs rock! They roll too! Get it?!? 

 Mimi has just this week started using her slow cooker for the first time ever, in an attempt to cook when she AIN'T at home, so no doubt there'll be a post about her kitchen adventures soon. Ever the Girl Guide Mimi. Be prepared & all that. 

 I bid you farewell for now & wish you all the best in your efforts to be a healthier you in 2015. Sometimes all it takes is one suggestion of a meal or snack to break you out of the monotony of your daily/weekly food routine. Hell, if you comment below with some brekkie ideas I may even swap my crumpets (albeit momentarily) for something new! Wonders will never cease.


Maybe my 2015 resolution should be to eat less crumpets?!?!

Mr Warburton & Mr Kingsmill would disapprove I feel. 

Over and out.

W x

The Links


Clip Jars

Weight loss Post