Thursday 2 July 2015



Eating healthy is something I actually really enjoy. I'm not a fuss-pot when it comes to food, so I'm always happy to try new things and I aim to make my meals as healthy and nutritious as long as they're tasty of course. 

You may have read my post a while back about Hubby and I following the Weight Watchers program and having lost 2 stone, I can safely say it works! Super simple to follow & definitely a plan I'd recommend! 

However deciding to use the app to  log points & follow the plan rather than attend a weekly class, we feel, along the way, managed to isolate us in our weight loss journey.  Just over a year on, we have in more recent times felt a little uninspired when it comes to preparing yummy food that fits within our daily/weekly Pro-Points allowance. 

  We sussed out quite quickly when we signed up what we could make that would allow us to do the plan successfully and achieve & maintain our weight loss and then (to our detriment) literally rolled out those same meals week in/week out. As we didn't attend a class, we missed out on the recipes and the handy tips that staff and members share on a weekly basis and eventually started to feel that we were in a bit of ground hog day meal-athon. Cue boredom! 

We are both sufficiently clued-up on food to know the sensible way to follow a points system diet and thus, didn't aim to just eat our points negating the nutritional values of the foods we ate. However, in trying to stay healthy, stick within the points and get our fill, I (as did Rob) avoided certain foods for fear of going over my allowance, when really I shouldn't have cut them out all together as their nutritional benefits are pretty essential for the body. For instance, nuts. I know that most, if not all nuts are high in calories because they're high in fat (unsaturated fat, that is), so up until recently I pretty much ignored them. Grudgingly, I might add. Many types of nuts are a great source of vitamin E and fibre, as well as essential minerals, so eaten as a snack in their rawest form (not roasted or glazed) they are super at keeping you healthy and hunger-pang free. And this is where my more recent dilemma was. Did I introduce some nuts, hence reaping their benefits AND changing up my diet from the norm that I was starting to loathe but then risk exceeding my daily points for a snack or even worse, put on weight as I'd be taking in more calories? This is where, frustratingly I'm no expert when it comes to nutrition. I guess it was a decision I had to make for myself but I know any dietician would be screaming "EAT THE NUTS!!". Yes they have fat in them but it's good fat and so I did.......and low and behold, I've maintained my weight loss. Avacados were another ambiguous food for me-I recognised their health benefits but negated them for their high fat content. I eventually bit the bullet (or the Avacado!) & introduced them to our weekly fajita night & there's no going back now. They're so freaking delicious! 

I'm now more mindful of the nutritional value of certain foods and don't automatically rule them out because of their high points value (according to Weight Watchers). In order to stay on the wagon & be healthy (not just within target weight!) you have to be all about variety. Different combinations, textures & versions of your old faves will ensure a balanced diet is achieved & that you're not reaching for the nearest bag of chips through sheer frustration & boredom. 

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Weight Watchers fault we fell into this food slump-it was down to a personal choice to rule out certain food groups purely down to their fat content. One must remember not all fats are bad & everything in moderation is not to shabby a motto to follow. We are now back to enjoying our healthy lifestyle & not beating ourselves up when we have a handful of peanuts! 

Peace out!

W xx 

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